Thursday, April 23, 2015

Clean Energy Technology Creates Jobs for Women in India

Solar lights are distributed to decrease the use of hazardous kerosene lamps. PHOTO CREDIT: REEMA NANAVATY / Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)

In India, the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) continues to change the lives of rural Indian women through positive environmental efforts. SEWA's 2010 CGI commitment, Green Skills for the Poor, has empowered women in the community and created better living conditions by providing clean cookstoves and solar lights to local households. The clean energy technology developed by SEWA replaces the commonly used stoves and kerosene lights that produce hazardous smoke and cause a variety of health issues. To date, 50,000 of these products have been distributed. SEWA prioritizes the sustainability of its work by supporting a network of women who are trained in product manufacturing, implementation, and maintenance.


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