Thursday, April 23, 2015

Stoves that Charge Cellphones and Homes Made of Straw: Creative Clean Energy Solutions

Around the world, CGI Commitments to Action are creating new approaches for cleaner air and water, protecting habitats and species, and developing solutions to reverse climate change. These efforts to positively impact the planet also reflect a desire to make more environmentally-conscious choices that improve overall quality of life, particularly for the 1.3 billion people who lack access to electricity.

Global energy access expansion remains stagnant or even lags behind population growth rates in certain geographies, largely due to lack of access to capital. And, in addition to the 1.3 billion people who don't have electricity, there are millions more whose livelihoods are limited by expensive and unreliable energy sources. Access to energy is a defining feature of social and economic mobility, and the three commitment-makers spotlighted below are working to propel environmental and social progress with clean energy solutions.


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